Letting my tea seep then going to add some honey!
I have been taking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea since the beginning of my pregnancy, it is some amazing stuff! Red Raspberry Leaf Tea helps to strengthen and tone your uterus for childbirth, you can take it for menstrual cramps after pregnancy too, which will be nice later too. The bulk herb store has a lot of great information on this tea, you can read it here Bulk Herb Store
Here is some information on Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for pregnancy, I got this from Bellybelly
What is Red Raspberry Leaf?
Red raspberry leaf (RRL) or rubus idaeus is a pale green leaf produced by the raspberry plant. The
ancient Greeks and Romans are said to have used red raspberry leaves for treating a wide variety of ailments. Although records of its use date back to the 1500’s in Europe, North America, South America and China. In Australia, the red raspberry leaf is a traditional herb that has been used by indigenous cultures for centuries. It was only in the 1940's that western medicine practitioners recognized its use as a tonic for the uterus during pregnancy and childbirth.
What Vitamins and Minerals Can Be Found In Red Raspberry Leaf?
Vitamin A
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin C
Fragarine (or Framamine)
How Can Raspberry Leaf Help With Pregnancy and Childbirth?
1. Eases morning sickness. It relieves nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy.
2. Soothes and prevents bleeding gums
3. Vitamin A aids the mother’s immune system and helps in the development of healthy skin and bones for the baby.
4. Vitamin E promotes better circulation in the mother.
5. Calcium is needed to control nerve response to pain during childbirth. It also aids in healthy bone development in the baby.
6. Fragarine allows the uterus to contract more effectively during labour. It also aids in toning the uterus after childbirth, when it returns back to its normal size.
7. Ease cramping of the uterus.
8. Magnesium is very helpful in strengthening uterine muscles.
9. Studies have shown that women who take red raspberry leaf have a reduced incidence of artificial rupture of membranes, forceps delivery or caesarean section
10. Assists in production of plentiful breast milk
You can buy teabags here: Amazon
You can buy loose leaf tea here: Bulk Herb Store
Before deciding to take red raspberry leaf, it is best to consult your doctor or midwife.
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