Things About Biking I Never Thought Twice About in a Car
(Catchy right...)
My first one will be what inspired this post
Sun Rays: First thing in the morning when its cold, and I am riding to work... I look forward to every break in the trees where the sun shine. To feel the warmth of the sun and just enjoy it, is amazing when your feeling cold on your ride. In a car it was only an blinding annoyance.
Music: I mean I would think about what I wanted to listen to but not really how it affected my time to and from my destination. If I don't have the write playlist, it really throws off my grove.
Minutes: When you shave a minute off your daily commute in your car its probably because you missed that light that you always hit... on a bike it's because you pushed yourself that little bit harder and you feel great!
Speaking of which, just to show HOW effective biking is as exercise, My first few bike trips to work were 48 minutes, by the end of the week I was down to 43, the next week I was down to 38 and last week I was in the 34-35 range and this week so far I have had two straight days of 30 minutes to work. That's an almost 20 minute increase in time in 3ish weeks! That's huge improvement.
(Ignore that it has different distances, the map tracking isn't the greatest...
Wind: I have decided that wind is to bikers what kryptonite is to Superman. The more of it and the closer it is to you, the weaker you are. There is nothing like a head wind to just KILL your times, momentum and morale. About half the days I bike home have had a strong head wind, I go from my best bike home being 19 minutes to sometimes 32 minutes because of wind... Granted you think about wind if its really bad in a car otherwise you don't even know its there.
Something I don't think about now that I bike...
Traffic... it doesn't matter what traffic is like, I just go to the front of the line
Gas... I ride through a gas station every day on the way home and think "haha suckers"
How lazy I am... Man I used to think this all the time... "I really should do something active today" now If I want to do ANYTHING I have to be active
There's plenty of more stuff but these are just a few ideas I have had.
Here's some fun pictures to enjoy because I don't have any really about this blog.
(Click them to make them bigger)