Well this is exciting, my first blog post on this blog. Well to get started, I am a terrible writer, I am going to do my best though! Here is some personal information about me...my name is Tabby (like the cat, yes), I am 22, I am married to an awesome man named Matt and we have been married for 3 years, I am 24 weeks pregnant with our first little bear and we are going to have a home birth (I will write more about that later) we live in Boise Idaho, we LOVE geocaching (if you dont know what it is, you can get more information here
http://www.geocaching.com/ ), hiking, playing uno, and dreaming about stuff we want to do. When I got married I really didnt know what I was doing, I still barley know anything about cooking, organizing, gardening, cleaning and etc. but with this blog I hope to write down my experiences with trying to start my own little homestead in town. We live in a duplex, my yard is in the back by the alley and the landlord said I can basically do whatever I want with it, woot! We have almost lived here for 1 month and we currently have 3 little gardens going. Here is the "major" garden, we are growing 2 different types of lettuce, kale, green beans, basil, green onions, red onions and uhh...normal onions? (we like onions)
When we moved in our yard looked like a fire hazard so we are "trying" to make it look nice with little to no money. We dug up like 500 million rocks when we made the flower bed above....I used some of those to line the garden/flower beds and the rest I gave away. I will create another blog post about giving rocks away, its exciting and....fun. I am watering the dirt every day, my hope is that I will grow thick green weeds all over the yard and mow them down, from a distance it will look like grass! Yes, I am ghetto....but I am also limited on money haha. We are going to buy grass seed, the problem is there is like 50 different types of grass and I just want normal grass so I get frustrated whenever I try to pick it out. Anyways, I have two fluffy cats named Goob (male) and Penelope (female), they are SO ANNOYING and I love them!!! My cats love me and follow me everywhere, I cant walk anywhere without them weaving through my feet. Goob and Penelope have a love/hate relationship...I think Penelope is playing hard to get (she is a diva like that) and Goob just wants to constantly play. Since we moved here they have started playing together!!!! It is so sweet to watch because for the past year they have been fighting haha and and and Goob even cleaned Penelopes face recently without her trying to rip his eyes out! *beautiful moment* These are my cat babies

Goob :) he is my favorite....I can write that here without hurting Penelopes feelings because she cant read, HA HA.
and Penelope! This is not animal abuse haha they stink....especially her, her breath smells like dead animals 24/7 and she is an indoor cat. Kind of weird.