Monday, May 27, 2013

Geocaching will save your marriage!

The title is a pretty bold statement and probably not true hahaha.... if you are cheating on your wife I would encourage you to tell her and seek counseling or something, not to go hiking and have fun. BUT if your marriage is getting a little boring, your getting chubby, your spouse is getting chubby and you dont want to tell them to get outside and move around, or you need a little adventure then geocaching could be for you!

Basically geocaching is a high tech treasure hunt, you use your GPS (we use our iphones with the Geocaching app), and it guides you to hidden containers with cool random stuff in it (If you take something you put something to replace it) and a log so you can write down your username (you create an account on These containers are hidden basically everywhere, you can look at the website to check if they are near you. Anyone can hide them, you have to get it approved before it goes public though. Here is a video that shows a little more about geoaching


My husband and I really enjoy geocaching, Matt HATES hiking unless there is a special destination and I grew up hiking different places every week so for me to not hike is just crazy. Our compromise is geocaching because Matt feels like there is a purpose to going outside, being in nature and exercising. He is appreciating nature more and it is REALLY fun and beautiful to see!!! Dont get me wrong, I love finding the caches too, I have found so many cool things in the containers (today I found money, haha!) and I love the adventure part, I am just super excited that Matt and I can both enjoy the world together now. Here are some photos from geocaching with my husband today. 

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