So many children are being sexually abused right now at this very moment! I get furious when I think about it!!! I hate that I have friends and family who have been sexually abused, I hate that there are pedophiles searching the internet looking for children right now, I hate that their living in our neighborhoods, I hate that we walk among them without knowing it, I hate that I feel so helpless and all I want to do is save all of the kids! A 22 year old man in my state was just arrested for having over 200 photos and videos of children and infants being sexually abused on his computer! NOTHING makes me more angry that that kind of stuff!! Pedophiles are everywhere and parents need to wake up. It could be your pastor, brother, neighbor, stranger, teacher, or even husband in some cases! There is a blog I subscribe to that EVERYONE needs to read and follow with her email subscription. She was married to a practicing pedophile for 40 years without knowing what he was doing. He is in jail now and she gives tips and stories from her past that should have been a red flag. We all need to protect our kids and trust our gut! Here is the blog:
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